Once upon a time there was a little boy with very short legs. And these short legs couldn't grow all year like normal little boy legs - they liked to grow just once a year. This made the little boy very cranky at night. (Little boys don't enjoy the growing pains of little legs.)
The little boy screamed and cried and screamed some more. And after an hour of screaming and a hefty dose of Tylenol, he was ready to go back to sleep. Too bad though, because all of this screaming woke up Baby Brother - which isn't that surprising since Baby Brother sleeps about 5 feet away from the little boy, and the little boy screamed VERY loudly.

Baby Brother screamed and cried and screamed. And after an hour of rocking, tucking in, and eventually a bottle of warm milk, he was ready to go back to sleep. Too bad though, because it was time to feed New Baby Sister. And neglecting to feed New Baby Sister results in more screaming and crying.

Finally, every one was back to sleep, and the Mommy and Daddy closed their eyes. Too bad though, because after only a couple of hours the Tylenol was wearing off. And the screaming and crying started coming out of the boys' room again, which also woke up New Baby Sister who wanted to eat again.
With more rocking, tear wiping, feeding and tucking in the little boy, Baby Brother and New Baby Sister decided it was time to go back to sleep. So Mommy and Daddy closed their eyes. Too bad though, because Daddy's alarm was going off - it was time to get up.
And this makes for a very grumpy pair of sleep-deprived parents.
The End.