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for jen

I searched through Jen's ENTIRE BLOG and couldn't find a picture of her. So I had to guess on what she looks like.

This is what you look like, right Jen? (Don't we all?!)

So here is Jen enjoying her brand new bathroom complete with jetted garden tub and a shelf just for her bath time candles.

Don't let the enormous size of Jen's head fool you - this is really a huge tub. (Jen's head is just large to show off her gorgeous pouty lips, because pouty lips deserve showing off. Also Jen's leg wouldn't really be that big either, but I couldn't make it smaller because the toes are already puny looking compared to the size of Jen's see the problem?) But it really is a HUGE and WONDERFUL tub, in a HUGE and WONDERFUL bathroom with no extra poopish interruptions.

And once all of my fasting and praying is done I'm sure this glorious bathroom will suddenly appear attached to Jen's house. Because that's our deal. (I'm still waiting to wake up totally zitless and weighing less...)

Or maybe she could just print out this picture and attach it to a big "GET LOST" sign to hang on the bathroom door whenever she's in the tub. Because unless we make this a group fast, I'm thinking the sign is more likely to appear than an entire bathroom materializing out of nothing. But I'll keep trying...


Jen R. said…
Hi, I saw your blog from Mormon Mommy (I'll be honest my name is Jen and the word's "For Jen" popped out at me...even though I know I'm not the Jen this is for.) But I just need to say I'm so impressed that you have 31 posts in one month...and the month isn't even over! I'm seriously impressed!
melissabastow said…
So Jen, I wanted to say that I only have that many posts because I took a bunch from my private blog and stuck them on....because I'm super sneaky....except that I'm totally blowing it by saying this....maybe I'm not so sneaky. But really, don't expect this much from me next month - - although I do love to hear myself type! :)
J. Baxter said…
Oh. My. Gosh. That was HILARIOUS!!!

And where in the world wide web did you find that picture of me????? You are so amazing.

And I can't bring myself to believe that your boobs really sag, either. How could they when your such an "uplifting" individual:)
Natalie said…
Believe it or not, I know Jen in real life and she does look A LOT like this! Only her toes and lips are far more preportionate to the rest of her body. Hilarious post! I'm a huge fan of fellow moms who've done the whole 4 kids in 5 & under thing.
Anonymous said…
What a fantastic fan. You are truly devoted. You should win Jen's latest jingle contest just for this!
*MARY* said…
I have no idea what's going on over here.
*MARY* said…
and if that's a picture of Jen, then she must be my long lost identical twin sister because when I first saw this picture I swear I thought I was looking in the mirror, yes I blog in the bathtub.
J. Baxter said…
I keep having to come back and look at this, because it is that funny! Really, I just laugh every time:)
annie valentine said…
Okay, I am Jen's sister and I have to tell you, SHE ACTUALLY LOOKS KIND OF LIKE THIS EVERYDAY. She's a big bath taker and is seriously way gorgeous. Seriously. She's gorgeous, every kid at the high school where she subs is madly in love with her. And I'm not being nice (I'm really not nice to her if I can help it), she's hot.

Good guess with the photo. Dark hair, scowl, bath. That's Jenny.

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