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escaping the shoe

I love it when I see a friend that I haven't seen in a long time and then realize that I'm still an actual person and not just "mommy."

On friday I met up with one of my super great, never see, friends for a movie. It has been about 52 years since she and I have hung out (or maybe it just feels like that long, I'm not sure.) Possibly because we're both a bit "women who lived in a shoe"-ish lately. You know, too many kids to know what to do?

I have my born-way-too-close-together kids, but get this: she has 7 month old triplets and a 3 year old son with Downs Syndrome. That makes my life seem like a walk in the park. And when those triplets learn how to run, my park will have daisy covered paths with relaxing muzak wafting through the gentle refreshing breeze. Because I'm pretty sure that many toddlers would be the death of me (hopefully she handles it better and can at least escape death.)

So we had to schedule our girls night weeks in advance. And then we both showed up having almost cancelled for either a kid related reason or out of pure exhaustion. Luckily movie theaters sell caffeine in cups the size of small ponds. But that can also be a problem, which I will mention later.

We watched the movie "The Women." If you haven't seen it, SHAME ON YOU. No really, grab your laughiest friend and go....NOW. And it really has to be your laughiest friend, serious friends won't cut it in this movie, because you will laugh. And you will laugh a lot.

That would be the problem. By the end of the movie I had finished my small pond size diet coke, and my post-baby bladder just isn't equipt for that. And it just so happens that I found the end of that movie to be BEYOND HILARIOUS. (Really, really really, go see this movie.)

I almost peed my pants.

It was pretty close.

Don't worry, I made it to the bathroom.

And then my friend and I walked out to the parking lot where we proceeded to talk for about 80 minutes about stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Funny stuff, annoying stuff, tons about kid stuff, I'm sure developmental milestones and who has been puked on the most in the past 48 hours came up a couple times. Because it has been so long since I've talked to her, and I can tell her anything.

And I love that I can talk to her about anything, because I think a lot of people get uncomfortable when you even bring up the topic of breastfeeding, let alone comparing nipple size and the ability of your infant to fit it all in. Yes- ANYTHING. And we talked about it all.

It was wonderful.

So I've decided that we will not wait 52 years to do this again. Shoe women or not, we'll find somewhere to put those kids and go out again.

Oh, and go see that movie. And laugh. A lot.


LisAway said…
I find I have this strange desire to go out and see that movie! Maybe you were sending subliminal messages in this post or something.

7month old triplets and a three year old!?! I would DIE! I hope she has lots of help. Just the fact that she was able to meet an old (at least 57 year old) friend for a movie says that she has SOME good support at least. You too. Good for you guys.
Claire said…
Hahaha - you're too funny! I think by the sounds of things I'd have to wear a tena pad if I were to go and see that movie. Laughing hard + shaky pelvic floor= possible disaster... Good for you being able to get out for a while!
Barbaloot said…
Good to know that the movie was worthwhile---I was debating on seeing it but I think I'll have to check it out now.

But maybe I'll leave the pond-sized drinks out of the equation:)
*MARY* said…
but my only friends live in my computer and I don't know how to get them out.
annie valentine said…
I JUST DID THIS. Seriously. Met the girlfriends, grabbed a 97 ounce Dr. Pepper, and watched The Women. Did you notice there wasn't a single man in the entire film? Not even in the background?

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