Husband and I were discussing celebrities crushes. He swears he doesn't have one, but I know a butt-kisser when I see one. And then he vastly mocked me for my latest crush.
Of course I like to gaze upon the regular list of hotties: Brad Pitt, Jonny Depp, Matt Damon... And in high school I really had a thing for Brendan Fraser. And this time:
James McAvoy. That's right, I have a crush on Mr. Tumnus.
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was the first movie I saw James McAvoy in, and thought, "What a nice little faun." And then I saw him in Becoming Jane - a movie that I loved. Not only because of my love of Jane Austen, but also because if I could choose to be any celebrity I would be Anne Hathaway (even before the James McAvoy thing.)

Of course I like to gaze upon the regular list of hotties: Brad Pitt, Jonny Depp, Matt Damon... And in high school I really had a thing for Brendan Fraser. And this time:
James McAvoy. That's right, I have a crush on Mr. Tumnus.

And despite his habit of not shaving his nasty 'stache, and agreeing to a role in an over-the-top action movie with Angelina Jolie, AND the fact that I can never remember his name and have to refer to him as "Mr. Tumnus" I still have a crush on James McAvoy. And I still don't believe that Husband doesn't think any celebrities are better looking than me. Please...
See what I mean about the nasty 'stache? It's more like mustache scruff. Ewwww....shave.