I like Monkey's hair long. I tried to grow out Opie's hair when he was younger, but he has always had a tremendously large head, and he also has very thick wavy hair. You pair those two together, throw in some long locks, and you've got yourself a genuinely bonified giant-head child. So I've learned my lesson: keep Opie's hair short. But Monkey's hair? It's so soft, and straight (our only straight-haired child) and super super cute when it's long. SUPER CUTE. (Agree with me - it's my blog.) But not many people liked the whole long hair thing. I kept having to threaten various family members with things like, "If I come back to find him with short hair I will DISOWN you, run away with my kids and you will never hear from us again. EVER." (Husband was particularly sensitive to this threat.) However, I did say that once random strangers started referring to him as a girl, I would consider cutting it. And even though ...
Also, I think tea smells kind of nasty, depending on which tea it is, of course. And if I'm drinking anything hot, it's going to have chocolate in it.
I liked the M&M ad better.
So I was searching for any email contact for you, but since there's none, I must tell you here that I think that you win the prize for leaving the most consistently hilarious comments. I hope you don't feel pressure, now that I've said that. I just hope you know that I LOVE IT!!
Either that, or your m&m karma did the trick. It has to be one or the other, right?