You know that give-away I was talking about the other day? Yeah, well here it is. Except that it's not ENTIRELY a give away.
Don't get me wrong, I'm giving something away, but there are....stipulations.
So here's the deal.
It's a lovely horde of bows. Ok, maybe "horde" isn't the right word. But 6 bows and a hat. ALL of them made by my very own hands.
(And I'll have you know that I almost kept the pink and brown bow for my girls - it turned out that cute.)
Here are some bow-ish details you need to know:
1-I hate when bows fall apart. (And what kid isn't going to be ripping them from their head? Seriously.) So I hand sew all of my bows together. Ok, so I glue them to the actual clip, but the rest - SEWED. Which is code for, "will not fall apart."
2- All bows are on little alligator clips that have been covered by matching ribbon. This will help them slip less, and look better.
3- Bows that fray also bug me. Children shouldn't have to wear fraying bows. So I treat all raw ribbon edges with this goopy no-fray stuff. It works.
4- ALL OF THIS COULD BE YOURS if you simply do what I say. That's all, just do what I want, and you could win this. Simple, I know.
Every year at Christmas I always come up with some kind of dorky scheme to make money. This year, it's bows (and possibly sock monkeys...I'll get back to you on that one.)
And it's only fair for little girls around the world to be wearing holiday hair bows - in fact, I think it's completely mandatory that you put a holiday hair bow atop your child's head before some angry elves hunt you down and do the job themselves.
So to appease those elves, I am selling holiday hair bows. Buy one (or some) and you are entered to win the fabuloso "horde" that we've already talked about.
Here's the details:
1- Each hair bow is medium sized. You can order two identical ones for toddler double pony action, or just one for regular action.
2- I get bored making the same hair bow every time, so basically you could get a combination of any of these. I have a variety of Christmas ribbon, so please specify in your order if you'd like lighter colors, something with pink worked in, or just ye ole' traditional red and green. (If you don't specify, I get to choose- YAY!)
3- I am taking orders for holiday bows until December 1. And I will draw the winner that evening at 7:30 PM (MST.)
4- For each bow that you buy, you get an entry (20 bows, 20 entries - it's only fair.) Also, if you order and then post about this on your blog, and then leave me a comment about it, you get FIVE more entries. ALSO, if any of my "followers" order, they automatically get an extra couple entires (because I'm totally playing favorites here - it's only natural.)
5- The cost of the bows are $6.00/each + $1.50 shipping for 1-3 bows or $3.00 for 3+ bows.
6- I am also taking custom orders on bows and hats. But I will not be working on them until after all the holiday bows are finished - priorities, priorities.
Please email your order (so that I can buy my kids bikes for Christmas) to: makemeabow AT gmail DOT com
Don't get me wrong, I'm giving something away, but there are....stipulations.
So here's the deal.

(And I'll have you know that I almost kept the pink and brown bow for my girls - it turned out that cute.)
Here are some bow-ish details you need to know:
1-I hate when bows fall apart. (And what kid isn't going to be ripping them from their head? Seriously.) So I hand sew all of my bows together. Ok, so I glue them to the actual clip, but the rest - SEWED. Which is code for, "will not fall apart."
2- All bows are on little alligator clips that have been covered by matching ribbon. This will help them slip less, and look better.

4- ALL OF THIS COULD BE YOURS if you simply do what I say. That's all, just do what I want, and you could win this. Simple, I know.

Every year at Christmas I always come up with some kind of dorky scheme to make money. This year, it's bows (and possibly sock monkeys...I'll get back to you on that one.)
And it's only fair for little girls around the world to be wearing holiday hair bows - in fact, I think it's completely mandatory that you put a holiday hair bow atop your child's head before some angry elves hunt you down and do the job themselves.

Here's the details:
1- Each hair bow is medium sized. You can order two identical ones for toddler double pony action, or just one for regular action.
2- I get bored making the same hair bow every time, so basically you could get a combination of any of these. I have a variety of Christmas ribbon, so please specify in your order if you'd like lighter colors, something with pink worked in, or just ye ole' traditional red and green. (If you don't specify, I get to choose- YAY!)
3- I am taking orders for holiday bows until December 1. And I will draw the winner that evening at 7:30 PM (MST.)
4- For each bow that you buy, you get an entry (20 bows, 20 entries - it's only fair.) Also, if you order and then post about this on your blog, and then leave me a comment about it, you get FIVE more entries. ALSO, if any of my "followers" order, they automatically get an extra couple entires (because I'm totally playing favorites here - it's only natural.)
5- The cost of the bows are $6.00/each + $1.50 shipping for 1-3 bows or $3.00 for 3+ bows.
6- I am also taking custom orders on bows and hats. But I will not be working on them until after all the holiday bows are finished - priorities, priorities.
Please email your order (so that I can buy my kids bikes for Christmas) to: makemeabow AT gmail DOT com
Also, loving the hat you made! I've made a few of those, but I don't know how to make bows, so I either crochet flowers or leave them plain. Now I have something new to stive for!
Hey, do you remember that time that my mom brought us down to visit and they made all those humongous raffia bows glued to those clips that pop open when you squeeze the sides? I think those things haunted me to junior high. My mother was obsessed with them.
SO CUTE. You're so talented!!
Seriously. Every day I think that.
And one day.... I WILL start a project. :)
Seriously. My forehead will be calloused from touching the floor. I can't believe you made all those (and are offering to make more)!!!! If I buy any bows, you know where they'll come from!
And----are you guys in Twin any time between Dec 23ish to Jan 1st- Josh's wedding perhaps? I would really like to chat- if even for a moment? We'll be there.....
If not- HELLO- you are chatting with me- I understand if you have other holiday plans.