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if my nerdiness was in question before now...

So, I'm a total dweeb.  (Of course you probably already knew that.)

Have I ever mentioned how much Netflix and I hang out?  I mean, I'm a major fan of Hulu, but it's Netflix that will forever have my heart.  I LOVE YOU NETFLIX, you're always there when I need you.

I also really love Sci-fi shows.  Because, yeah, that whole being a dweeb thing.  And it very recently came to my attention that season 5 of Doctor Who is now available online through Netflix.

I have been waiting for this.

(You really must know the depths of my dorkiness - I had to watch a special on Daleks to deal with my Doctor Who withdrawals.  And speaking of Daleks - what a lame opponent.  I know they're supposed to be The Doctor's greatest nemesis, but they're SO OBNOXIOUS.  I get that they want to keep uniformity through the 50 billion seasons of the show, but honestly, can't we just kill them off and be done with?!)

So, at the end of season 4, The Doctor was dying and had to regenerate.  When I found out they were offing David Tennant I pretty much felt like punching someone.  Granted, he had skinny girly hands that kind of made me cringe, but I just KNEW there was no way anyone on the entire planet could make a better Doctor than David Tenant.

In fact, I had made up my mind, right there and then, to hate the new casting.

This is Matt Smith, the new Doctor:

Even with my predetermined dislike in tact, it took me about 2 minutes into the first episode of season 5 to become totally smitten with the new Doctor.  SMITTEN.  I tell you.  I'm all smitten-y.

Matt Smith is the BEST. DOCTOR. EVER.

The Doctor's quirks have never been so likeable, plus his hands don't bug me and his sonic screw driver is more awesome than ever.

And now I'm going to get back to it, because I think I can fit one more episode in tonight before I nod off.

(For the record, where the Daleks are unquestionably lame, the weeping angels are totally the creepiest.)


Wonder Woman said…
I'm pretty nerdy, but I confess that all I know of Dr. Who, I know from Big Bang Theory.

But I 100% support you in your nerdiness and love of the new doctor.
TisforTonya said…
I watched Dr. Who back in "the day"... y'know... when he had a bad 'fro and a striped scarf... who's nerdy now? (good to know I can get a little more up to date on NetFlix now!!!)
elesa said…
Yep, that is just what I was going to say. Can't we just be done with the Daleks already?? Even though they are all souped up and colorful now. I still think they have to go. And yep, the weeping angels are the creepiest. I can't even watch that first episode they were on by myself. It is so awesome!
Tricia said…
I'm sorry, but David Tenant is still the best Doctor. (He's right up there with Peter Davidson and Tom Baker, in my opinion.) But Matt Smith has definitely grown on me. And I love Amy.

And yeah, get rid of the Daleks, but I don't think any villain will ever be able to top the weeping angels in creepiness. (The first episode of the weeping angels is my all time favorite Doctor Who episode. EVER. And I've been watching since Tom Baker.)

And, you've got to get your hands on the current season of Doctor Who. I loved the season opener.
Yeah, the Daleks are weak sauce. WEAK sauce. I'm only on season 2. My husband and I catch up on Saturday nights when we don't go out. It's funny, because there are just some nights that are meant to be Dr. Who nights.

And can I say that I went from having NO posts from you in my Reader to having 10 all of a sudden? I'm very annoyed with my reader for slacking on that. Bad reader, bad.
Tricia said…
The real slacker is not your reader. I'm afraid I haven't posted on my blog in over a year. Yes, a year. And a couple of months. So, the odd thing is that your reader pulled in 10 old posts.

But I still hang around and read other people's blogs. I like reading. And maybe some day I'll post on my blog again.
Jen said…
We love netflix and dr who.
whats worse is my husband has shared his nerdiness with his kids and I now have addicted 10, 8, and 5 year old. My 8 year old LOVES dr who especially Matt and draws love hearts and I love dr who everywhere. utterly adorable... if your a dork :)

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