The Preschool that Lacie (my brother-in-law's wife) had been working at is holding a fundraiser for their babies.
WHEN: October 30, 2009
WHERE: Little Wonders Learning Center
3223 S. Main St, Nibley Utah
TIME: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
There will be fun games and activities for all ages as well as a Silent Auction. All proceeds go to the Bastow Family (<-- them, not me, however I need a new washer and dryer, so if you want to throw some money my way too, I won't turn it down.)
WHEN: October 30, 2009
WHERE: Little Wonders Learning Center
3223 S. Main St, Nibley Utah
TIME: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Mark and Tamara have a washer and dryer that is sitting unused. You might be able to get them for a song.
Homer style: "S-M-R-T! I am smart!"