I have beef with homework. I don't like it. I know that some homework is necessary, but the amount of homework my kids have to do it ridiculous. I especially hate kindergarten homework. I think it's unnecessary. And, frankly, it just makes me mad. Number Four's kindergarten teacher sends home a weekly homework sheet with two small activities to do every day, plus we are required to read 20+ minutes every single day of the week. I have nothing against reading or the small homework activities, but sometimes we are busy, with stuff like, you know, LIFE, and we don't have time to devote to writing the letter H 20 times and drawing something that rhymes with rat. And maybe we only read billboards on the freeway that day, because, you know, LIFE. This kindergarten homework could be tolerable, and we could make up the missed assignments on less busy days, but the teacher is also sending home "bonus" worksheets that she expects my daughter to do. ...
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.