Denise, LisAway, Wonder Woman, Emmy, cc, That Girl, Rachel Sue, and MissOlea: You are all on my list to get bloggy whatever designs according to your hearts desires. (Just as soon as my eyes recover from surgery.) So be thinking of what you'd like and email me the details, melissabastow AT hotmail DOT com. (Don't worry, you probably have a few weeks to mull over the intricate specifications...)
I like Monkey's hair long. I tried to grow out Opie's hair when he was younger, but he has always had a tremendously large head, and he also has very thick wavy hair. You pair those two together, throw in some long locks, and you've got yourself a genuinely bonified giant-head child. So I've learned my lesson: keep Opie's hair short. But Monkey's hair? It's so soft, and straight (our only straight-haired child) and super super cute when it's long. SUPER CUTE. (Agree with me - it's my blog.) But not many people liked the whole long hair thing. I kept having to threaten various family members with things like, "If I come back to find him with short hair I will DISOWN you, run away with my kids and you will never hear from us again. EVER." (Husband was particularly sensitive to this threat.) However, I did say that once random strangers started referring to him as a girl, I would consider cutting it. And even though ...
This to a girl who takes at least 5-6 months to name her children. And blog designs are AT LEAST that important.
This may take a while.
I may need help.
AUGH! I'm so excited!!!