So here's the quiz. Look at the picture and find these five things:
1- Some wrapping that doesn't belong.
2- A vintage toy that goes well with army men.
3- An opened gift that no kid really gets excited about.
4- Something to wipe your butt with (and don't say wrapping paper.....eeeew.)
5- The letter 'G'.
Leave a comment with your answers. The first person to get them all correct wins a prize!!!!
Of course I'm not sure what the prize is going to be......maybe a long distance high five......or I'll design you a free blog button or header......or maybe a gift certificate to Green Jello with Carrots......or I'll just send you a great big taco with lots of extra cheese?
2. linkin logs
3. socks!
4. cottonelle
5. on the big bean bag and on the linkin logs container.
Do I get extra points for knowing that you got Monkey (or whoever that is in the front there)'s pjs at Costco?
2. Lincoln Logs
3. Socks
4. Wipes on the couch next to Lincoln Logs
5. Big G on bean bag!
I'll take my taco, extra cheese please. lol