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Alison Wonderland commented on my last post: "I'm not sure how it happened but I'm 32 and I've never even been on the cover of a magazine. Weird huh?"  Which by itself made me crack up.  But it also got me to thinking:

we need our own magazine.

We can call it, "Completely Boring Blogging Housewives of the World" and I'm going to be the first one featured.

I'll include stuff like if I've managed to brush my teeth for the day.  Or how many times I have to buckle kids into carseats on any given week day.  And possibly -if I want the feature to be horribly awesome- I'll include minute details on how I add fabric softener to my laundry.

So, clearly Alison has the next feature.  But who goes after that?  And tell me, what would you want your feature to include?


Kristina P. said…
How do you feel about nudity? I am OK with partial nudity, if you are prudish.
Wonder Woman said…
Mine would include the copious consumption of chocolate chips, bagels, and Diet Dr. Pepper. Also yelling at my baby for growing up too fast and my older boys for not growing up fast enough (or, more accurately, not running to the TOILET fast enough.)

This is a great idea. Totally on board. I'll even siphon money from Superman's paycheck to pay for the subscription.
LisAway said…
I love the idea of statistics. Mine would include how many times I tell Aaron not to touch Spencer's face in a day or how many times my kids complain about doing the same things they have to do every single day (I call it flopping because especially David Drops to the ground and flops like a fish as if he's just received the worst news in the world. "What!?! I have to make my bed TODAY, too!?! I thought that was just the other 364 days of the year!).
Rhonda said…
Mine would include how many times I've had to say, "stop licking your brother" and all the various areas that I've wiped poop off of, and how many time outs have happened before lunch. Also, might have to include the fun and exciting things I find in the dryer after a cycle has been run. The adventure never ends!
Barbaloot said…
I can be your single writer. I'll post about all the things I do on weekends to make it seem like I'm busy and don't care that I'm not on a date. Awesome.
Ok, first of all you began this whole post with a link to the Wonderland so I am officially your biggest fan. And secondly You're a genius for taking my stupid thought and turning it into something awesome.

I'm not sure of everything that I want in my article but can we please make sure to mention the considerable time I spend taking the cigarette lighters (no, no one here smokes we just have lighters around) away from the two year old?
Unknown said…
I would have to include how many poopy diapers I changed; how many times I picked up the same mess that day; how many times my children called me "mean". The list goes on and on and on and....

Little Tots Big Ideas
That Girl said…
Mind would be I Stayed Up Really Late Looking at Blogs and Yahoo Headlines ... For No Reason.

Killer, eh?
cc said…
Can you do a photo spread about all the various fashionable designs spit-up can come in? I currently have an almost floral pattern of it down my shirt and skirt.
Jen said…
Hmmm, mine would include the way my dishes are never all the way clean, but in a delicate cycle of disarray.

I might also mention my stinky adventures in attempting to quit wearing aluminum-based deodorant. I know a lot of people would want to know ALL about that.
Anonymous said…
My article would include all the smelly diapers all over and how I can never get my house clean with out my child screaming. My picture would feature my newly wonderful strecht marks in my hot biknini center fold. It would be hot!

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