If you haven't noticed I have this thing about ghosts. And am slightly and sort of ish obsessed, but not really, about it. Well, guess what?! I have a real ghost story to tell now. A REAL ONE. For reals, people, REEEAL . The other night I got in bed while Husband headed to the basement to iron his fancy clothes (because he has to wear fancy clothes to work now). I closed my bedroom door, got in bed, rolled to face the wall, and started to nod off. I wasn't really asleep yet though, and I left a lamp on for when Husband came back up. Except that Husband takes a LOOOOOOONG time to iron. Because he likes his fancy clothes to be perfection in starch. As I laid there, not quite sleeping yet, Heavy footsteps came from the kitchen, and then into the hall. Then my bedroom door opened - I heard the doorknob turn, I heard it creak open (old houses have creaky doors as a rule). And then the footsteps came into my room. I thought it wa...