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Showing posts from June, 2011

love letters

Dear Moving to Utah, I hate you. You're ruining my life. With Eternal Detestation, Me Dear Ghost in My House, I know you're there. Quit trying to be all sneaky. I purposely do NOT fall asleep every night so that you CANNOT come and touch me while I'm unconscious.  Because, that's FREAKY and could totally happen because I understand how ghosts like you work. Also, if you're going to be here, could you please just clean something or make yourself useful somehow? Thanks a bunch, From, The Paranoid One Dear Everyone Who Has a Baby, Go enter the Cutest Baby Photo Contest brought to you by The Barrel of Blogs and Leelou . You only have a few days left in which to enter.  And you'll want to win, because we have cool prizes.  And also because Leelou and me?  WE'RE AWESOME. And then you can enter the giveaways during the big Baby Shower next week. xoxo, Sometimes I Get to do Cool Things Dear Compassi...

the great rental house debacle

or more aptly titled: We Can't Find a Rental Because I'm kind of a Brat. I'm getting really tired of this whole moving thing.  Anyone else getting sick of me talking about this whole moving thing? Anyone? (yeah, I think I see a few hands in the back) But it's pretty much on my mind ALL THE TIME so I can't help but talk about it. "Moving Plan A" involved the actual process of packing up and leaving this weekend, followed by the moving into of an awesome rental house where we'd have all the household luxuries that we currently enjoy. Then we realized our timing kind of stunk, and we thought, "Maybe we should move at the end of June, because that will give us more time to find this awesome rental house and also IT'S SO MUCH FUN BEING A SINGLE PARENT."  Ok, that last part is a complete lie.  No one ever said that.  Also, I am not a good parent.  Under normal circumstances I can slide right under the parenting bar and pass with a D...

"I'm hungry!" "So are the piranhas, dear."

There is one more day of school left.  ONE.  No wait. Actually, HALF of a day of school left.  It's not even a full day.  I don't even know if it counts. I have mixed feelings about this, because summer vacation means: a) sleeping in (which I adore above all else) and b) the kids being home all day long continually saying, "I'm hungry!" "But I want to be naked!" and "Mommy.  Mom!  Mommy!!  MAW-MEEEEEEEEE!!!!" (which I despise above all else). The one that bothers me the most is "I'm hungry."  Because it's not like I don't feed them. Just that they refuse to eat real food at mealtimes and then whine about wanting snacks for the remaining hours of the day. Even at night .  Honest to goodness. A couple night ago Number Four woke up and started screaming for me, but when I got to her room all she wanted was a marshmallow. And at 4:30 in the morning -having only gone to bed an hour and a half earlier- you just giv...