Dear Moving to Utah, I hate you. You're ruining my life. With Eternal Detestation, Me Dear Ghost in My House, I know you're there. Quit trying to be all sneaky. I purposely do NOT fall asleep every night so that you CANNOT come and touch me while I'm unconscious. Because, that's FREAKY and could totally happen because I understand how ghosts like you work. Also, if you're going to be here, could you please just clean something or make yourself useful somehow? Thanks a bunch, From, The Paranoid One Dear Everyone Who Has a Baby, Go enter the Cutest Baby Photo Contest brought to you by The Barrel of Blogs and Leelou . You only have a few days left in which to enter. And you'll want to win, because we have cool prizes. And also because Leelou and me? WE'RE AWESOME. And then you can enter the giveaways during the big Baby Shower next week. xoxo, Sometimes I Get to do Cool Things Dear Compassi...
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.