In a moment of indulgence I watched the latest Ghost Hunters episode on Hulu while I ate lunch today. I love Ghost Hunters. (Except for the team changes on GHI - to that I say "BOOOO" and also "BRING BACK ROBB!!") I'm convinced there are ghosts living in our very house. (Well, ok, not LIVING, obviously. Since ghosts are dead people. But you know what I mean.) You know when you see something move out of the corner of your eye, but when you look nothing is there? I do that all. of. the. time. At least 10 times an hour. Of course, I'm not convinced that every time I do this I'm "seeing" a ghost. I have totally screwed up eyeballs. I know this. Especially when it comes to things like peripheral vision and shadows and stuff. So probably there are no ghost living in our house. But I'm still going to check for them. Because I'd like to think we have a house that all friendly, and potentially helpful (like the kind that...
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.