Alison Wonderland commented on my last post: "I'm not sure how it happened but I'm 32 and I've never even been on the cover of a magazine. Weird huh?" Which by itself made me crack up. But it also got me to thinking: we need our own magazine. We can call it, "Completely Boring Blogging Housewives of the World" and I'm going to be the first one featured. I'll include stuff like if I've managed to brush my teeth for the day. Or how many times I have to buckle kids into carseats on any given week day. And possibly -if I want the feature to be horribly awesome- I'll include minute details on how I add fabric softener to my laundry. So, clearly Alison has the next feature. But who goes after that? And tell me, what would you want your feature to include?
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.