Hi, remember me? I used to blog here. I also used to read other people's blogs too. Those were good days....way back then.....when I had time to read blogs and stalk ex-boyfriends online. What? You don't webstalk ex-boyfriends? Whatever. And now I bet you're going to tell me that you never dig through the container of ice cream and eat out only the chunks, and then smooth it back out so that it looks like no one touched it, so that when Husband says, "What a rip off, this ice cream doesn't have a single peanut butter cup chunk in the whole thing!" you can just nod your head a little and say, "Well that's dumb." before you side step from the room? I know you do - so deny it all you want. But I'm fairly certain that we're all just web-stalking chunk eaters (or at least I'm going to pretend we all are, ok?) So, it was our first night in our new house, the kids go to bed all excited to finally be here to stay. (Lots of mini trips had ...
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.