The other day a moment from my past popped into my head. It wasn't an especially pivotal moment or anything, but the impact is still being felt. It happened quite a few years ago. We had lived in an apartment and gotten to know some of the other church members in the same complex. I didn't get to know anyone really well -I'm slow at making friends- but you know, I knew who they were and had a general sense of their character and whatever. And then we moved, and I only kept in minimal contact with a couple of the people I knew. Fast forward a couple of years. Opie was about 4 years old and I had no idea what to do with him. He was especially Dr Jekyl/Mr Hyde-ish back then. He could be the sweetest, most lovable, chubby cheeked cherub and then switch to crazed, destructo, demon child in a fraction of a second for very little cause. It was also when everyone was very young - 4 kids ages 1-5 young - which just made things harder. For those w...
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.