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All Hail the King of Goosebumps

Did I ever tell you about the time Opie got a goosebump the size of an actual goose egg?  I was looking at pictures from a few years ago and was reminded of how truly colossal it was.

A little back story first:

Opie used to have a giant sized head.  He has since grown into it a little bit.  But from about the time he was 4 months old to like yesterday his head was just too big for his short little body.  So he used to always bump it into stuff. 


We could barely get a goosebump healed before he would get a brand new one.  So basically, we had a stash of kid sized ice packs and I got good at looking for signs of a concussion.

Now back to the story:

It was March of 2010, and it was starting to get all warm and nice outside.  I'm pretty sure it was a saturday morning because I ditched the younger kids to take Opie and Two Bits on a bike ride to the neighborhood park.  So Husband must have been home.  Or something.

The kids still had their bike helmets on while they played on the playground which, at the time, did not seem like a big deal.  Helmets are supposed to keep heads safe, right?  That's what I thought.  And then Opie decided to jump off a platform and land in between a couple of metal bars.

Normally, I think he probably could have squeezed between those bars.  But at that moment the width of his big head combined with the girth of his helmet slammed his forehead into one of the metal bars with a fairly decent amount of force.  And this was the end result:

And this was after ice packs and laying down.  (Except that before that we had to get all the way home with a screaming Opie - so the whole neighborhood heard about it.)

The goosebump lasted weeks.  It ever so slowly shrank and changed colors.  And eventually it melted down into his eyes so he had double black eyes for awhile too. 

But even after a massive conk like that he still didn't have a concussion (he never has).  So maybe his head was so big because his skull is twice as thick as a normal person's?

At any rate, it was a pretty amazing goosebump.  And I love it when my kids' injuries make random people stop and stare....and probably wonder if I beat him.  And then I just want to yell, "I was being nice - WE WENT TO THE PARK, OK?!!!" 

And Opie wasn't very happy about it either.

(This was about 10 days after it happened.)


elesa said…
Oh my gosh. I would have been looking for bones and teeth.
Unknown said…
My son Jameson has the same problem. Bless his heart, he has a big head.I say it's because he has a big smart brain. But just today like many other times he fell off the first step of the bunk bed and his head but a mirror leaning against the floor and wall. He got a huge egg. And he cried maybe ten minutes actually 5 and was himself. Still is. Only it's very bruised now, seems to be swelling slightly and it's gettingsort of soft on one side of the bump. Concerns me. I'll take him to the Dr in the morning. I'm not used to having boys. I had 4 girls and then 8 years later I have two boys ten months apart Jameson 21 mos and Justice 11 months. They are rambunctious. All over the place.
Unknown said…
My son Jameson has the same problem. Bless his heart, he has a big head.I say it's because he has a big smart brain. But just today like many other times he fell off the first step of the bunk bed and his head but a mirror leaning against the floor and wall. He got a huge egg. And he cried maybe ten minutes actually 5 and was himself. Still is. Only it's very bruised now, seems to be swelling slightly and it's gettingsort of soft on one side of the bump. Concerns me. I'll take him to the Dr in the morning. I'm not used to having boys. I had 4 girls and then 8 years later I have two boys ten months apart Jameson 21 mos and Justice 11 months. They are rambunctious. All over the place.

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