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you can help me become famous

I'm considering offering my services as a blog header/button/makeover designer.  But I think I need practice.  I also think I need advertising.

Which is where you come in.  Because I was thinking, "How could I pull off practicing AND advertising all at the same time?"  And then, of course, it hit me, "I'LL FORCE MY FRIENDS INTO IT!!!!!"

And by "friends" I mean YOU.  (Because in real life I only have like 2 friends.  I'm horribly socially awkward.  Haven't you already picked up that vibe from reading my blog? Yeah, I thought so.)

So if you want a free blog header/button/makeover design (all custom and original and stuff), let me know.  And in exchange you have to advertise for my super design services by way of button AND a really great post about how you absolutely adore your new blog header/button/makeover (even if you hate it, which hopefully you won't, hopefully you'll really adore it, because I'll want you to adore it, and I'll try really hard to make something you adore....not hate.)

And then someday I'll be famous, and you'll be happy because you helped me become famous.  It's a great plan, I know.  Because I really have to become famous somehow.  Why not be a famous blog header/button/makeover designer?  I can imagine the paparazzi now....

But here's the thing - I don't want to be doing too many free things.  So you have to act quickly.  SUPER quickly.  Like, comment now....right now.....because you never know if my 4 other readers will jump on the opportunity before you do.

Also, I'll be scheduling to get these blog header/button/makeovers done AFTER I recover from my eye surgery next week.  Because you probably want me to be able to see while I design, right?  And I've already scheduled myself a whole week of rest (whether or not I need it, 'cause I'm milking this surgery thing for all it's worth, 'cause I really would like to spend a week in bed, who wouldn't?)

Anyways, that's my offer.  Now don't cram my comment section all at once - the five of you need to take turns.


Oh...I would love a button for my new Scentsy business....could you do that. Link it from my blog to my webpage?? I would gush over and over about how great you are (you really are!!)
LisAway said…
Oh! How perfect! I may have to take you up on this. . . And how darling THIS background and header are!

How fun about the eye surgery! :/
Wonder Woman said…
Lady, sign me up. April did a header for me a while ago, and I liked it, but got bored with it after like a year. Plus, we're gonna have another addition to the aMayzing clan. And I would totally pimp you out.
Emmy said…
Good for you!! I might take you up on a button. I just won a blog makeover, if I hadn't I would take you up on the whole thing. So after I get my makeover, and see what the rest of it looks like maybe I will have you design a button for me and would totally send love your way.
Heather said…
well I love what you did for my blog. I don't think many people read my blog, but you're welcome to stamp it with your info some how. I'll probably also want a redesigned banner at some point in the future. But I'll pay ya for it when the time comes. :)
cc said…
I've been wanting to redo my family blog for the longest time, but I was afraid of changing the major stuff and losing content or sidebar details. Brian says he doesn't know how (he's lying), so I was thinking of finding someone to do it for me. I'll totally pay ( I don't think I have enough readers for the advertising alone to be worth it) and I will definitely promote. I'm just psyched to have someone I know and trust that can do that stuff! Come to think of it, my other blog could use some re-working too. Let me know if you're not too busy!
Barbaloot said…
If I had not JUST had my blog res-designed I would take you up on this so fast. As it is, I'll probly come to you one day (when I feel like blogging again) and see if I can persuade you...or pay you cuz you'll probly be famous by then:)

Hope all goes well with your surgery!! I hear eating chocolate on a frequent basis is SUPER helpful for recovery.
That Girl said…
Am I too late? Is the limit four? Five? Or perhaps eight?
Rhonda said…
Umm I find it hard to believe you don't have a ton of friends because you are seriously hilarious.

Oh and before I forget:

neener neener, I already gots my header. AND I DO LOVE IT!

feel better soon after surgery!
Rachel Sue said…
Am I too late? Am I too late? I was going to email you back the other other day, but stomach flu hit. Therefore the computer has pretty much been closed until today.

So YES! You are more than welcome to give me a blog makeover! Please!

P.S. I printed off the stuff yesterday and it looks great. I just need to put it all together now. . .
I'll send you the review tomorrow. Thanks again!
missOlea said…
Darn it, I'm number 11!

Well, if you feel like doing a generic blog header and sticking my name on it, I'd love that just as much! I swear, having a blog header would make me read/stalk less and post more! It would!

Anyway, if the others all back out let me know. Otherwise, let me know when you're famous and have your own blog header making business.

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