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hello? is this thing on?

Hi, remember me? I used to blog here.

I also used to read other people's blogs too.

Those were good days....way back then.....when I had time to read blogs and stalk ex-boyfriends online.

What? You don't webstalk ex-boyfriends?


And now I bet you're going to tell me that you never dig through the container of ice cream and eat out only the chunks, and then smooth it back out so that it looks like no one touched it, so that when Husband says, "What a rip off, this ice cream doesn't have a single peanut butter cup chunk in the whole thing!" you can just nod your head a little and say, "Well that's dumb." before you side step from the room?

I know you do - so deny it all you want. But I'm fairly certain that we're all just web-stalking chunk eaters (or at least I'm going to pretend we all are, ok?)

So, it was our first night in our new house, the kids go to bed all excited to finally be here to stay. (Lots of mini trips had been made packing and unpacking the same boxes - very confusing on kids who just want to move already.)

The boys don't want to sleep, because hey - new house. WHOOOOOO.

And then Opie decides to make a flying dive from his bed (he claims he "fell out of bed", but I have ears and an imagination, and I can measure distances, thank you very much - it was more than just an involuntary "fall.")

In short, we had our first bleeding headwound.

Crazy that I have a total of 14 years of kid experience (if you add up the ages of my four kids, that is) and we've never had a bleeding headwound. Lucky, I know.

I took him to the ER (he never ended up getting his head stapled though - which was a relief. They would have had to sedate him to get close to him with any kind of stapling apparatus - - the kid is a freak-out expert.)

We were waiting patiently for our turn at the ER when a man walked in the door. And apparently it was a night of firsts, because we then had our first child related public faux pas.

Opie flings out his little pointer finger and says, "Mommy, look at his tummy, he's FAT!"

Yes, the man heard. No, I was too chicken to turn my head and actually look at him to see his reaction.

I thought about yelling, "He hit his head, he doesn't know what he's talking about!!!!" But I figured drawing any more attention to us, would probably have been a bad idea. So I cringed and cowered to the best of my ability.

Lots-o-fun that night, I tell you.

I read a book the other day. I took a "sick day." Which is basically where I pretend I'm sick and don't do anything all day but read (in the name of sanity.)

The book was "The Hourglass Door" by Lisa Mangum. It was good. Very much a young adult romance, but also very clean, entertaining, and it didn't have any vampires in it, so it was good. But that's not why I bring it up. I mention it because I found my new life motto in it:

"I swallowed a sigh and tried to muster up some excitement, but all I ended up with was a twinge of a headache behind my left eye."

Is that not the best life motto you've ever heard?

I'm thinking about getting it in vinyl lettering to stick to my wall. What do you think?


Emmy said…
Welcome back!
I just barely finished the Hourglass Door myself. I enjoyed it, but I still prefer my vampires ;)

Well at least you will most likely never see that fat guy again. And you major injury free record is impressive.. in my 6 years (kids combined) we have already had one incident.. We were able to go to a pediatric ER which was much nicer.
J. Baxter said…
I'm thinking that the only plus about your blog vacay, is that it coincided with my blog vacay, so at least I didn't miss out on much.

Love the motto.
cc said…
That quote alone makes me want to read it now...I feel so uninteresting/uninterested in anything at the moment. Summer does that to me.

We're so glad to have you as neighbors...yay!

Oh, and I'm a total chunk least it saves us from eating the whole carton to get to the good stuff!?
I'll admit to being a webstalker but sorry, I'm not a chunk eater.

While you're ordering the vinyl lettering get a set for me too.
Wonder Woman said…
I missed you, Missy B! What a crazy first night. Motherhood at its finest.

Love the quote. I def think it should go in vinyl in your kitchen.

p.s. is Lisa Mangum related to Erynn Mangum? She also writes clean, funny romantic stuff. With a Christian twist. Anyway.....just wondered if they were related.
Barbaloot said…
Good to see you again:) I saw The Hourglass Door just the other day...but didn't end up buying it. Now I wish I would've. Next time I suppose:)

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