I'm going on a dream vacation to Italy. We leave thursday. And by we, I mean: myself, my pregnant sister and my mom. Because I decided that it would be awesome to go somewhere foreign and be oggled by suave Italian men while eating gelato in an outdoor cafe surrounded by some ancient naked statues (except we'd probably feel more comfortable sitting by the statues that have little fig leaves covering their crotches.) On this dream vacation we will all be effortlessly hot. And also speak Italian. Fluently. Because that's part of the deal. And it's all happening thursday. Because I said so. And that should be enough to make our dream Italian vacation a reality. Have I ever told you that I'm writing a book? (A dumb one.) Some days I sit down and write a whole stinking chapter thinking I'm the funniest person alive. And then I sit back down the next day to reread my funniness and instead of patting myself on the back I just end up smacking myself in the fore
no, I'm not vain - I think I just need more attention.